
Grand Rounds for Ophthalmologists

Each year QEI hosts the Qld RANZCO Grand Rounds. This event is for ophthalmologists, ophthalmology registrars and doctors with an interest in ophthalmology.

Each event covers a specific ophthalmic sub-specialty with live patients for examination and case discussions. Ophthalmic specialists from across south east Queensland are invited to present patients as a case discussion during the evening. Depending on the complexities of the topic as little as 3 or as many as 8 patients are reviewed.

Doctors from regional and remote areas can “dial in”  for a live audio and video feed of the night.

This is an important service the Queensland Eye Institute provides to rural and remote doctors so that they can gain the same level of education and professional development that doctors from metropolitan areas receive.

Grand rounds today are an integral component of medical education. They present clinical problems in ophthalmology by focusing on current or interesting cases and are also utilised for dissemination of new research information.