
Leave a legacy

You can leave a lasting legacy by pledging to leave a bequest with the Queensland Eye Institute Foundation.

One of the best ways you can help the Queensland Eye Institute Foundation is in your will. Including the Queensland Eye Institute in your will is a simple and effective way to help the fight against preventable blindness.

A bequest in your will can help fund a research programme, help us maintain our advocacy, education and support services and treat and cure those who are suffering preventable and treatable blindness.

You may not see the impact of your bequest today, but it will have a profound impact on the lives of those you help, their families and the generations that follow them.

Everyone can have impact, no matter how big or small the contribution. You don’t have to be wealthy to leave a bequest. You just need a desire to play a part in preventing blindness and making sure our vital medical research can continue into the future.

To use some of your estate to help the lives of others is a kind and generous gesture, which we cherish and use wisely. If you would like further information on how to include the Queensland Eye Institute Foundation in your will please call our Bequest Manager Mrs Jane Dodds directly on (07) 3239 5050.

Download Bequest Brochure Here

We advise you to seek legal advice when preparing a will to ensure that your wishes are met as you intended. See the wording of bequest clauses here.