Did you know?
  • More than 13 million Australians are estimated to have one or more chronic eye conditions.
  • Close to 500,000 are blind or have low vision.
  • Around 90% of all blindness and vision impairment is preventable or treatable if detected early.
You can make a difference

The Queensland Eye Institute Foundation operates Queensland’s largest independent research institute devoted to eye-related health and diseases. Its mission is to reduce eye disease, improve eye health and ultimately eliminate preventable blindness in the community. With no government funding, the Queensland Eye Institute Foundation relies on the generosity of donors to deliver on this commitment. With your help, we can work towards new treatments and cures.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Click here to find out more.

Please support our sight saving work

Your donation will help us to purchase the latest equipment, develop better treatments, advance clinical trials of new treatments, improve eye health education and support talented students to become tomorrow’s leaders in eye research.

Make a donation