
5 Minutes with Dr David Gunn

17 Jul, 2020

Dr David Gunn‘s interest in ophthalmology began at an early age. Since then, he has celebrated a number of professional achievements, including receiving the RANZCO Howsam Medal at the end of his ophthalmology registrar training. Get to know more about the QEI Clinic’s Cornea, Cataract, Laser and Refractive Eye Surgery Specialist below!

What interested you in ophthalmology?

When I was young I had viral conjunctivitis and was looked after by Laurie Hirst (one of the founders of QEI). I remember being scared about losing my eye sight but trusted the doctor completely. As I went through high school biology I was amazed by the five senses of which sight seemed the most complex and interesting. Prof Glen Gole was a family friend and inspired me to pursue a career in ophthalmology. The first time I saw the eye through a slit lamp microscope I was hooked!

What interested you in working with the Queensland Eye Institute?

Queensland Eye Institute has a reputation as the premier ophthalmology institute in Queensland with a focus not just on clinical medicine, but research, advocacy and education. I had always hoped to join the group after my fellowship and was honoured to receive the invitation.

What has been your career highlight to date?

I vividly remember seeing the result of my first full cataract surgery. It was in a blind man first led into the clinic by his daughter. The next day he was walking around the clinic unassisted with a big smile on his face. Receiving the RANZCO Howsam Medal at the completion of my Ophthalmology Registrar Training for the highest results in the Australia and New Zealand final exams was a mountain top moment and a reward for many years of unseen hard work.

What research areas are you interested in?

I have had a foray into a variety of research areas including glaucoma, retinopathy of prematurity and refractive surgery. With my cornea and refractive specialisation in the last 5 years I am now mainly focussing on anterior segment disease. Currently I am interested in Keratoconus therapy, specifically investigating treatment with advanced cross linking and laser profiles.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I have a wife and three young girls that keep me very busy! I enjoy playing golf, swimming, music and catching up with friends in the time that remains!