
Tax Appeal

12 Jun, 2024

Help us give hope to people facing a life without sight

Make a tax-deductible donation today to support Queensland’s largest independent eye health research institute.

An older man with grey hair in a blue jumper, jeans and green puffer jacket stands behind a desk bearing a large computer monitor, books and papers. Behind him there are floor to ceiling shelves holding piles of books, framed photographs and mementos
Retired academic Dr Ray Hibbins in his home office

For a man devoted to learning, teaching and art, life without sight is unimaginable. Sadly, retired academic Dr Ray Hibbins faced this prospect when a routine eye test revealed signs of macular degeneration.

Ray had watched his mother deteriorate with the same disease in her early 70s, becoming restricted in her movements and struggling to do everyday tasks like boiling water. Eventually Ray and his sister made the difficult decision to put their parents into care.

Today, intraocular drug therapies (injections) have transformed how age-related macular degeneration is managed. Patients with glaucoma and dry eye disease also have new drug and surgical options that weren’t available to earlier generations.

The Queensland Eye Institute (QEI) is Queensland’s oldest and largest independent eye health research institute, committed to long term research into effective treatments and cures. QEI is involved in research into macular degeneration, participating in multi-centre trials testing new medications and treatments.

Donate now

Call us on 3239 5050 to make a donation over the phone or donate online using the form below.

Your tax-deductible gift allows the QEI Foundation to invest in people and programs addressing preventable blindness. Your donation directly funds QEI researchers and scientists, giving long-term certainty in their fight to save sight.

Click here to read more about Dr Ray Hibbins’ journey with vision loss.