29 Oct, 2019
The Queensland Eye Institute (QEI) has recently had the pleasure of hosting Professor Leonard Azamfirei, Rector (President) of the George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Romania (UMPhST). Professor Azamfirei’s time at QEI has been spent focusing on furthering the relationship between the two institutions. The collaborative research and education agreement signed in 2018 by QEI and UMPhST aims to foster research projects of mutual interest, joint applications for European research funding and postgraduate student exchange programs.
Professor Azamfirei’s meeting with QEI’s CEO and Executive Director, Professor Mark Radford and QEI Chief Scientist, Professor Traian Chirila established the foundations of research collaborations for 2020, focusing largely on biomaterials and tissue engineering.  As part of this programme, PhD candidates from UMPhST will have the opportunity to complete 1-2 semesters at QEI’s laboratories. Professor Chirila will also help prepare a curriculum of studies in the field of biomaterials and tissue engineering.
During this visit, Professors Azamfirei, Radford and Chirila met with the University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine’s Executive Dean, Professor Geoff McColl, and the Associate Dean (Academic), Professor Nick Shaw to discuss potential future collaborations.
We hope this is just the beginning of what we believe will be a productive scientific and educational partnership.